Approval Management
We advise you in detail on all questions relating to the management of environmental permits and optimize them for the approval process.
Approval Management
We advise you in detail with all relevant management of environmental approvals and optimize the process of approvals.
We support you in establishing and amending all approvals required for the construction, operation or decommissioning of numerous industrial and commercial enterprises and guide you through the entire process of approvals. This includes the compilation of the application documents and the coordination of all parties involved in the process, such as the company itself, different planners and experts, plant manufacturers, building contractors and approving authorities. And, as appropriate, we coordinate the necessary public participation.
Our Services at a Glance:
- Coordination, support and compilation of application documents in accordance with the Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz (Federal Immission Control Act), the Kreislaufwirtschaftsrecht/Abfallrecht (KrWG) (German Closed Substance Cycle and Waste Management Act) and the Wasserrecht (WHG) (German Water Act)
- Coordination and support with the decommissioning of industrial and/or manufacturing premises
- Environmental and Health and Safety compliance programs
Our References

Locations & Directions
Fürstenwall 172
D - 40217 Duesseldorf
Phone +49 (0) 211 9629 2524 0
Fax +49 (0) 211 9629 2524 9
Locations & Directions
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 135-137
D - 48153 Muenster
Phone +49 (0) 251 777567-11
Fax +49 (0) 251 777567-20