Baseline Report

We offer advice, the preparation of preliminary tests and examination concepts, the implementation of the necessary examination measures and the preparation of baseline reports. 

Baseline Report

In order to comply with the Industry Emission Directive (IED) in German law it has become mandatory for certain industrial companies to compile a Baseline Report for Soil and Groundwater (Ausgangszustandsbericht, AZB).

Since the beginning of 2013 this applies to industrial sites requiring new authorization according to article 4 of the BImschG (German Federal Immission Protection Act). Since the beginning of 2014 this also applies to existing industrial sites for which a permit for alteration has been applied according to article 16 of the BImSchG.

In the course of the investigation for the AZB, soil and groundwater are analysed for relevant hazardous substances as deployed in the installation.
When the asset is decommissioned the AZB provides evidence so that in the case of possible contamination the soil and groundwater can be restored to their original state, as documented in the AZB.

As experts in accordance with Article 18 of the German Soil Protection Act (BBodSchG) we offer you support and guidance and can furthermore carry out the necessary investigations and compile the AZB.


You can find more detailed information concerning this topic on the following website:

Our Services at a Glance:

  • Preliminary studies
  • Preparation of Concepts for Investigation
  • Conducting Soil and Groundwater Investigations
  • Preparation of the Baseline Report
  • Coordination with Authorities


Our References

Baseline Report FS-Karton GmbH (here)
Baseline Report Befesa Zinc Duisburg GmbH (here)

You will find our actual projects, articles and many more here (german)

Baseline Report

Locations & Directions

Fürstenwall 172
D - 40217 Duesseldorf
Phone +49 (0) 211 9629 2524 0
Fax +49 (0) 211 9629 2524 9

Locations & Directions

Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 135-137
D - 48153 Muenster
Phone +49 (0) 251 777567-11
Fax +49 (0) 251 777567-20