Dear friends, dear colleagues,

As you may know, I am working on some development projects in Nepal since several years. My organisation, „Freundeskreis Nepal“ (, is supporting a school in Kathmandu, another school in a Himalya village named Karthali.  We are sponsoring over 300 students paying their school fees and supporting their families. The last time I have been on site was in April 2015.

Thus my friends and myself were shocked to hear about the severe earthquakes in April and May this year and to see the devastating impact on Kathmandu and Karthali.
All our friends in Kathmandu are safe and counted for. However we do not know if there are casualties among the students.
The new school building in Kathmandu that mainly has been financed by Freundeskreis Nepal has not fallen, but is severely damaged. Engineers will survey the building as soon as possible to determine the extent of the damage.

The situation in Karthali is even worse. The village is located in the epicenter. All buildings are destroyed. As far as we know there are 25 persons reported to be killed, numerous are injured.
For the time being this remote area cannot be reached. There is no food and no drinking water available. People suffer from diarrhoe and cold. Today, our friends from Kathmandu make another attempt to get to Karthali by jeep, carrying urgently needed supplies.
For your information, I attach some photographs in a pdf document.
Being one of the poorest countries in the world, the people of Nepal urgently need any help they can get. There is only poor infrastructure, if left any. Food, water and medical supplies are missing everywhere.

Thus I would be glad if you could help the Nepali people with a donation, either via our organisation or through any other donation acount.

Freundeskreis Nepal has these donation accounts:

Sparda Bank Münster e.G.
BIC: GENODEF1S08/ IBAN : DE38 4006 0560 00021231 26

GLS-Bank Bochum
BIC: GENODEM1GLS / IBAN: DE32 4306 0967 4062 9436 00

Thank you for supporting us!

Anselm Elsbroek