To support homeless children and youngsters and, at the same time, doing sports and something for their own health is the commitment of EXPOBIKE. 

Since 2011, the members of ImmoSport e.V. regularly saddle their racing bikes for a road racing tour from Cologne to Munich to the international real estate fair EXPO REAL. ImmoSport e.V. – an initiative of the real estate industry – donates the proceeds of the tour to the foundation „Off Road Kids e.V.“.  The main objective of this institution is to give homeless children and young people a home.  For this purpose they maintain street work stations in Berlin, Dortmund, Hamburg and Cologne. “Since 1994 social workers have successfully helped almost 3.000 young people to leave the streets for good“, reports the association on their website. The foundation was awarded for its results-oriented concept by both the World Economic Forum and Swiss Jacobs Foundation.